Here is a list of projects that received a funding from the European Regional Development Fund:
2017/01 - 2019/02
- "From Robots to Humans: Innovative affective AI system for FPS and TPS games with dynamically regulated psychological aspects of human behaviour."
Teyon Michał Tatka
Application for funding no.:
The project's goal:
In this project, we researched and developed a new AI system for FPS and TPS games with adjustable human factors (e.g. emotions, perception, personality, relations, group dynamics) influencing other essential components such as navigation, behavior trees, tactical decisions, interaction or crowd simulation. The results of this project are used in commercial video games developed by our company to improve their NPCs (non-player characters) believability and overall value.
Value of the project:
4 644 588 zł
3 624 883.53 zł
Covered by Task 1.2 - “Sectoral R&D programs” of the Intelligent Development Operational Program for the years 2014-2020 - GAMEINN Sectoral Program - Support for R&D Activity of Enterprises.
2012/01 - 2014/12
- "Raytracer Audio & Video"
Teyon Michał Tatka and AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow
Application for funding no.:
The project's goal:
The project aimed to make a hybrid on-line render of images by using ray-tracing technology and similar soundtracer. The project results are used in commercial projects in the video game industry.
Value of the project:
2 044 357 zł
1 754 060 zł
Covered by INNOTECH Program.

Here is a list of fundings granted to our company by The Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage:
- Udział w targach branżowych w celu wzrostu konkurencyjności firmy Teyon przez promocję tworzonych gier video i usług.
Beneficjent: Teyon Michał Tatka
Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego.
- Promocja gier video produkowanych przez firmę Teyon na rynku międzynarodowym poprzez udział w targach branżowych.
Beneficjent: Teyon Michał Tatka
Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego.