It has been already a month since the release of Monster Truck Championship on Steam, PlayStation®4 and Xbox One, and it's time for Nintendo Switch fans to enjoy the game as well! The title is out now in the Nintendo eShop in Europe and on November 24th in North America. Visit the European and American shops to learn more.

"While it might not be quite the same as the real thing, Monster Truck Championship does a pretty good job of replicating the fun. There’s plenty to keep players coming back in the career mode, with loads of challenges to try, and parts and upgrades to unlock".
"MTC has finally made a genuinely fun monster truck game. Its pick-up-and-playability is a breath of fresh air, even among its other racing peers; while it thoroughly lacks bells and whistles, the core gameplay is dependable and, at its best, genuinely enthralling."
"What it lacks in the license department, is made up by allowing the player to have a lot of fun".
"While we wouldn’t call Monster Truck Championship a monster truck racing simulator, we would call it a smashing success when it comes to achieving monster truck fun".
"I was however pleasantly surprised by what Teyon and Nacon have delivered; a highly playable and superficially enjoyable blast around well-designed circuits in satisfyingly twitchy and weighty vehicles resembling shih tzus wearing oversized Dr Martens".
"Monster Truck Championship is a faithful simulation that offers a satisfying learning curve and a great sense of accomplishment. The competitions can become harder, but you are given plenty of customisation options to improve your truck throughout".
"With the release of Monster Truck Championship by TEYON, a game that hits all the right spots in so many ways is here. MTC isn’t perfect, but it offers a lot of depth, a lot of fun, accessibility, and most importantly, a lot of longevity for the whole family".
"An almost perfect simulation, fun as well as complex, and a new difficulty that is regulated through the car's improvements".
"The graphics are rough and it’s lean on content, but Monster Truck Championship's simulation-style approach works well".
- SLAPTrain
"But what really sells Monster Truck Championship is its uniqueness. Never before has the act of competing in a monster truck been so authentically represented, from thunderous circuit races to flashy freestyle events."
- Upside Down Shark
"Monster Truck Championship is a winner because there is nothing quite like it. It evokes all the fun of the Monster Jam games of old, but with a mature twist that gives more meat for players looking for something more in-depth than just an arcade racer."
Online comments
Thank you for all the positive comments that have been posted on Steam and social media! Here are a few examples:

If you would like to order your copy, here are the links:
- Switch (US):
- Switch (EU):
- Xbox One
- PS4 (US)
- PS4 (EU):
- Steam